Marketing Speaker

The Latest from
David Meerman Scott

I write about strategies to turn fans into customers and customers into fans. I also share ways to use real-time strategies to spread ideas, influence minds, and build business.


What a weekend! I couldn’t stop watching the real reality show that is the US Presidential Election. Over the several past days I have been multitasking with social media, reading the pundits and news reports online (thank you Google News), and watching the cable news politi...

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Watching the Vice Presidential Debate on Tuesday night was frustrating. The candidates, especially Democrat Tim Kaine, talked over one another and frequently ignored the moderator. Soon after the debate, the majority of observers declared Republican Mike Pence the “winner”.

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Debates are a reality show, and last night’s episode certainly delivered. At podiums just 12 feet apart we had the first woman nominee of a major political party running for President and the first non-politician from a major political party to participate in a televised gen...

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Just a few hours after introducing her father, Donald J. Trump, before his address to the delegates at the Republican National Convention last week, Ivanka Trump tweeted a photo of herself on stage with a link to a Macy's store listing of the Ivanka Trump brand Sleeveless St...

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Early this month I was in London working with my friend Tony Robbins on an information product we will be launching in August called New Marketing Mastery. While we were chatting, conversation drifted to the US Presidential election. We were having so much fun analyzing the ...

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Selfies are a thing. Love them or hate them, they are a part of modern smartphone culture, no more so than on a Presidential candidate rope line. Hillary Clinton has figured out how to optimize selfies for social sharing. It’s a small but fascinating marketing technique! Pre...

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On April 26, 2016 Donald Trump said in a speech after he won the New York Republican Presidential Primary: “If Hillary Clinton were a man, I don’t think she’d get five percent of the vote. The only thing she’s got going is the woman’s card.”

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This week marks the tenth anniversary of Twitter founder @Jack Dorsey writing just setting up my twttr to kick of the social media site. The number of Twitter users grew relatively slowly at first. Geeks like me learned about Twitter at SXSW and signed on early, but in the b...

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