Who is David Meerman Scott?

I am a marketing strategist, entrepreneur, investor and advisor to emerging companies, and bestselling author of 12 books, including "Fanocracy" and "The New Rules of Marketing & PR"

The Power of Making Business Personal


Every day I focus on living this extraordinary life I've been given with passion! By participating fully in the things I love, I'm energized to fulfill my mission to help others succeed in whatever it is that's important to them, whether it's marketing a product or service, creating art, generating attention, or developing fans.


I'm convinced that passion prompts connections in others by building long-lasting bridges between individuals as they continue on their professional paths toward commercial success.


I've learned that success comes from an intense expression of the things we love, seeing the world in a different light, and bringing energy, new ideas, and deep connections to like-minded people.

Internationally Acclaimed Strategist

Generating Attention and Growing Business in a Real-Time World

Our always-on, Web-driven world has new rules for competing and growing business. Advance planning is out – agile is IN! Those who embrace new ways will be far more successful than those who stay stuck and afraid to change. I teach people how to use new real-time strategies to spread ideas, influence minds and build business.

Keynote Speaker at Events Around the World

Delivering high energy presentations that are a treat for the senses

I have spoken on all seven continents, in over 40 countries, to some of the most respected firms, organizations and associations in the world. I customize my keynotes and masterclasses for each audience, but the core of every event is an urgent call to action. Scale and media buying power are no longer a decisive advantage; what counts today is speed and agility. Real-Time is the mindset for the future – and content rules!

Advisor to Emerging Companies, investor, and Go-to-Market LP at a VC Firm

Working directly with emerging companies to help make them successful

I'm not an academic. I don't study what others are doing, I do it myself. I invest in and serve on the advisory board of select emerging companies working to transform their industries by delivering disruptive products and services. And in my work with Stage 2 Capital, I advise some of the most promising new businesses in the world.

Author of twelve books, including four international bestsellers

I have sold nearly one million copies of my books worldwide

I'm best known for The New Rules of Marketing and PR, a perennial seller for over a decade. Now in a 9th edition, New Rules has sold more than 500,000 copies in English and is available in 29 languages from Albanian to Vietnamese. My other bestsellers include Fanocracy, Real-Time Marketing & PR and Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead.

More About David Meerman Scott

What are your passions?

Today I have three major fandoms. My collection of artifacts from the Apollo lunar program is said to be one of the best in the world, and I showcase this passion in my home museum. I love surfing and enjoy getting into the waves when I am traveling the world delivering speeches. I’ve surfed Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Hawaii, and multiple spots on both coasts of the United States. I’m also a massive live music fan and to date have seen 984 live shows (including the Grateful Dead 111 times). Yes, I keep an Excel spreadsheet.

What else is important to you?

I'm passionate about protecting our environment. My work delivering talks and running masterclasses requires me to fly well over 100,000 air miles per year and use taxis and hotels around the world. I more than offset my carbon footprint through a significant investment I've made to preserve a 10,000 acre rainforest in Centro Mamoní, Panama.

So I hear you were a male model in Japan?

Yep! In Japan’s go-go years, I was one of the first twenty-something gaijin male models in Tokyo to specialize in the young businessman look. With Japan’s stock and property markets the envy of the world, I exploited one of the only times in history where a mere mortal could moonlight through a few wacky years of over-the-top TV commercials, exotic location shoots, spotlights with beautiful women and encounters with the famous. I enjoyed a wild ride courtesy of Japan’s financial hysteria and my luck at being there at the right time with the right look. You can read about in my essay called Gaijin Male Model which was published by North American Review and the anthology Hacks.

What's the deal with Meerman?

Many people ask me why I use my middle name in my professional endeavors. It's simple: There are so many David Scotts out there! Some of us are famous -- one David Scott walked on the moon as commander of Apollo 15, a David Scott is a six-time Iron Man Triathlon Champion and another David Scott is a US Congressman. Certainly good company, but for clarity and search engine optimization purposes, I chose to become unique among my fellow David Scotts, so in 1999 I started adding Meerman to my bio and by-line.

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