I write about strategies to turn fans into customers and customers into fans. I also share ways to use real-time strategies to spread ideas, influence minds, and build business.
Late last year, Seth Godin invited me to join him as part of the first wave of volunteers to work on what was then a dream: creating The Carbon Almanac. I was eager to help, but I was thinking how daunting the task of writing an important book would be.
I'm part of the leadership group of hundreds of volunteers from 90 countries that have come together with ringleader Seth Godin to produce The Carbon Almanac. It is a powerful tool to help us create change, right here and right now.
An original Banksy titled Morons was purchased for about $100,000, destroyed (burned on a livestream) and turned into a non-fungible token (NFT) which sold on Sunday for 228.69 ETH (approximately $380,000 at the time of the transaction). What a remarkable offline to online t...
While a great virtual event is more like television than theater, that is not the whole story. If you only focus on the TV part, you miss the opportunity for the audience interaction. The reality is that online consumer expectations have been highly shaped by social media. T...
I’m just back from the HubSpot #Inbound19 conference. This year 25,000 people convened in Boston to learn about inbound marketing, sales, and customer support. A Google search returns more than 50 million hits for the term “inbound marketing” coined by HubSpot, but not trade...
I'm a huge fan of Creative Commons, a nonprofit organization that makes it easy for people to both share their original work with the world and build upon the work of others. My choice to license my newsjacking graphics under a CC license was absolutely essential to allow th...
Last week I wrote about my personal relationship with Facebook over the past decade. In my post I concluded I no longer trust the company. Many people jumped in who agree. Some wanted to know what we can do about it. Is there an alternative?
I was in Las Vegas last week speaking on New Marketing Mastery at Tony Robbins Business Mastery and as always when I’m in town I take in the Fountains of Bellagio multiple times. The free show happens many times per day and is one of the top attractions in the city, driving ...