Marketing Speaker

The Latest from
David Meerman Scott

I write about strategies to turn fans into customers and customers into fans. I also share ways to use real-time strategies to spread ideas, influence minds, and build business.


Thursday June 27 brings the first US Presidential debate of the 2024 election season. I love watching it play out before, during, and after the 90 minutes the candidate spar live on stage. The media will be hyping, the campaigns will be spinning, and memesters will be doing ...

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Bill Walton, noted Deadhead and NBA basketball Hall-of-Famer, was the happiest and most upbeat person I’ve ever met. He had a kind word for everybody and absolutely loved his life and everybody who was a part of it.

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My talk at the Tony Robbins Business Mastery event last week was my tenth anniversary as part of this amazing community. Since 2014, I’ve delivered something like 30 presentations at Business Mastery events in four countries, sharing ideas on how to build fans and grow busin...

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Last week, the annual HubSpot INBOUND marketing, sales, content management, and customer service conference was finally back to an in-person format! I was struck while attending the terrific conference in Boston how the most memorable aspects were when the presenters showed ...

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At most conferences, the panel discussions are terribly boring. In fact, some panels are so dreadful that many attendees use the time to network in the hallways or check emails. But it doesn’t have to be that way!

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A dozen years ago I weighed 60 pounds more than I do now. At that time, I didn’t have the energy required to do my work and my doctor was beginning to worry about some of my numbers, discussing the possibility of putting me on medications. It was a massive wakeup call and I ...

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While some organizations are tentatively considering a move back to in-person events or considering hybrid events in 2022, most are doubling down on virtual events. No matter what your plans looks like, planning an event requires bringing engaging speakers who can entertain ...

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We’re well into the second year of the global COVID pandemic and it’s been months since I published Standout Virtual Events: How to create an experience that your audience will love which I wrote with my buddy Michelle Manafy. Having delivered presentations at some 50 virtua...

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