Marketing Speaker

The Latest from
David Meerman Scott

I write about strategies to turn fans into customers and customers into fans. I also share ways to use real-time strategies to spread ideas, influence minds, and build business.


I love when history merges with marketing! Last week I visited the 117-year-old Carnation Farms in Washington state. The organization celebrates its history as a way to market its modern businesses.

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My father graduated from Harvard Business School in 1958. He really, really wanted me to go too. I took a swipe, applying to HBS in the late 1980s. Rejected! I failed to be allowed to enter via Harvard’s tightly locked front door.

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I’m considering a new car and have been poking around the various automaker websites in the past few weeks. It’s been frustrating!

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My friend Peggy Sullivan delivered a fabulous talk at TEDx Walden Pond last month titled “Eliminating time poverty by doing less”. Her message is a simple yet powerful one - “Eat, work, sleep, repeat” - busyness is the silent addiction that keeps individuals and organization...

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As social networks become more important for organizations of all kinds, often the key question is how to integrate them into an overall marketing strategy. Ani Sanyal, CEO of Kolkata Chai Co., uses Instagram and a website to grow the business he co-founded with his brother ...

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In prime real estate at my local shopping mall, a Yamaha piano dealer is actively discouraging customers. On every piano is a sign reading: “Please Do Not Play Without Permission”.

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When I was on my thru hike of the Long Trail in September, I hiked an average of 8 hours a day for 26 days. There was no possible way to carry enough calories, so when I had an opportunity to eat in a restaurant, I went. And I ate a lot!

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At a town hall event four years ago, I had an opportunity to ask US presidential candidate Kamala Harris the question, "What are you a fan of?" The answer she gave from the stage, “I love music… I am especially fond of Bob Marley,” was surprising in its honesty.

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