Marketing Speaker

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David Meerman Scott

I write about strategies to turn fans into customers and customers into fans. I also share ways to use real-time strategies to spread ideas, influence minds, and build business.


GrokDotCom has created a list of the definitive marketing posts of 2007.

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I am constantly amazed by the ability of Amazon.com to push into new ground. I've always said that Amazon is successful because they run the company as a content site that happens to sell stuff. Everything on the site is focused on creating important content that surrounds e...

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My friend Steve Chazin just launched a really cool new blog called MarketingApple. He also a released an ebook today called Marketing Apple: 5 Secrets of the World’s Best Marketing Machine. Steve's blog and ebook are definitely worth a look for two important reasons. Steve u...

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Readers of this blog know that I am a huge fan of using online thought leadership and viral marketing strategies as marketing tools. Online media such as blogs, content rich websites, ebooks, podcasts, YouTube video, and social networking sites all have a power to tell a sto...

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I've been writing this blog since late 2004 and this is my 250th post.

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I've been reading the GrokDotCom site regularly for a while now and find the way that the smart Web site conversion experts at Future Now Inc., the producers of GrokDotCom, put this site together. GrokDotCom represents the future of a content rich marketing site and provides...

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Heidi Cohen has written a terrific overview of what she's calling Branded Communications in her column on ClickZ. It is well worth a read. I've used a similar term Brand Journalism because my panelists Ben Edwards, Director, New Media Communications at IBM and Colleen DeCour...

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Yes, like many others, I enjoy the Super Bowl TV adfest each year. Many others write about the ads such as Jim Nail from Cymfony so I prefer to take a look at the Web site tie ins – you know those little URLs at the bottom of the screen as the TV ad ends. I'm only interested...

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