Marketing Speaker

The Latest from
David Meerman Scott

I write about strategies to turn fans into customers and customers into fans. I also share ways to use real-time strategies to spread ideas, influence minds, and build business.


Artificial Intelligence tools like ChatGPT makes content creation super easy. However, garbage web content has quickly become a huge and growing problem. Let’s call it what it is: AI Pollution.

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Marketers are ineffective when they use the classic "customer testimonial" format and pop that onto their blog or make it into a video. "Here’s our product. It is great. Here are customers who say it is great. Now buy some of our product."

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Nearly all the buzz about AI in the past several months has been around using AI tools like ChatGPT for text and Dall-E for images to access and organize data found on the public Web. Far more interesting to me, and where billions is being invested by VCs right now, is how A...

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“Never in the history of humanity have we vomited more words in more places with more velocity,” say the authors of Smart Brevity: The Power of Saying More with Less.

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Yesterday, Apple announced the new Apple Watch Series 7 which will be available later this Fall. Of course, this tiny computer is way more than a “watch” that tells time. Reading all the buzz about the launch got me thinking about marketing the various categories of timepiec...

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The language of war is used in business and the media so frequently that people don’t even question the appropriateness. Let's work together to eliminate these old tropes from the way we communicate.

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When I speak or write about successful marketing, I frequently use the word “stories” when I describe the content that people are eager to consume. With content creation, it’s important to think of stories rather than simple product pitches. People love to share stories! Pro...

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Free ebooks with no registration required are one of the most effective forms of new marketing. When done well, an ebook helps to solve problems and therefore buyers appreciate the content, branding the writer as someone worth doing business with. And because they have treme...

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