“Never in the history of humanity have we vomited more words in more places with more velocity,” say the authors of Smart Brevity: The Power of Saying More with Less.
We’re all super busy. At the same time, smartphones deliver a flood of content. The key to breaking through is to create bite-sized content that gets noticed. Like TikTok. And like what Smart Brevity teaches.
I love this brand-new book! In it, the founders of two hot media startups — Axios and Politico — share their transformative methods for punching through the noise to get people to pay attention to what matters most.
Brevity is confidence. Length is fear.
Smart brevity means: Write muscular headlines, six strong words or fewer. Create a memorable opening sentence. Provide context - why does this matter? Eliminate fluff and gobbledygook. Point people to where they can learn more.
I need this advice and it came at a great time for me. Readers of this blog know that I often write long. Too long. My headlines contain too many words. Sometimes it takes a while for me to get to the point.
I pre-ordered Smart Brevity because I am an Axios fan. Over the years, I’ve subscribed to dozens of email newsletters from media companies. No doubt, you have too. Most of them aren’t worth my time, so I unsubscribe. However, Axios email newsletters are super valuable, so much so that I now subscribe to several. Why? Because they are brief and to the point. At the top, each has a Smart Brevity™ count of the word count and the time require to read.
Smart Brevity helped me. Perhaps it will help you too.