I write about strategies to turn fans into customers and customers into fans. I also share ways to use real-time strategies to spread ideas, influence minds, and build business.
I love cheese of all kinds except the Pasteurized, Processed yellowish Cheese Food gunk that we here in the USA call “American Cheese”. In my country this stuff, which is mass-produced in a factory, is often sold in individually packaged slices and is what McDonald’s puts on...
We’ve all been getting a bunch of messages from the companies we do business with alerting us to the new privacy policy they’ve implemented as a result of the General Data Protection Regulation that goes into effect across the European Union on May 25.
Want to know an SEO secret that almost nobody will tell you? Do not delete old content! Nearly all of your web content should live forever. It’s free to save pages on your site, so why delete them? Yet so many people do.
I get hundreds of pitches from people each week, mostly via email. They want to tell me about their product or service or they want to sell me something. I’m sure you get a bunch too.
This afternoon I opened a new account at name.com. As I was going through the process I noticed fun little tidbits that kept me interested throughout.
Stories are universal. No culture has survived without them. They are widely recognized as an essential part of human cognitive development.
Don't let your money go down the drain! Call Big Birge Plumbing Company. For all your plumbing needs! Last week I delivered a talk at the Entrepreneurs Organization in Omaha, Nebraska. I always love working EO events, because members are so enthusiastic about learning new id...
Content drives action. Content is the best way to reach buyers. Content is King. (And President and Pope and Queen as well). So how do you create great content? How do you understand your buyers, create compelling content that educates, informs, and entertains them, and then...