I write about strategies to turn fans into customers and customers into fans. I also share ways to use real-time strategies to spread ideas, influence minds, and build business.
There are three iconic voices related to the Apollo lunar program: 1) President John F. Kennedy's challenge to America "We choose to go to the moon!", 2) Neil Armstrong's first words as he stepped foot lunar surface: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind...
Apollo 11, the first lunar landing, was fifty years ago this month. It was the most audacious adventure humans have ever accomplished and deserves celebration. I’m particularly interested in how the contractors who worked on the project in the 1960s are marking the milestone...
I’m super excited that after many years of hard work, the first part of Chasing the Moon, a three-part mini-series by Robert Stone, premieres today on PBS American Experience. Parts two and three come Tuesday and Wednesday. The idea for Chasing the Moon came when Robert read...
It's taken me fifteen years of collecting to amass what I believe to be the most complete collection of Apollo 11 press kits in the world. Now, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission in July 2019, I've digitized my collection and made it available to schol...
Last night, President Obama delivered his eighth and final State of the Union address. It was an amazing display of his formidable communications skills. The president quickly touched on partisan issues that he’s championed and then moved to areas that he will focus on durin...
Jack King passed away last week at age 84. He was a marketing and public relations pioneer as important as Edward Bernays, David Ogilvy, Steve Jobs, and Walt Disney.
Rich Jurek, my co-author on Marketing the Moon, sends us to this awesome video from Hyundai. Stephanie from Houston misses her astronaut father working at the International Space Station. So she and Hyundai cooked up a fantastic message created using 11 Hyundai Genesis cars ...
Forty-five years ago today, the crew of Apollo 11 was on the way to the moon in their historic first lunar landing mission, the most audacious and globally significant accomplishment in human history.