I write about strategies to turn fans into customers and customers into fans. I also share ways to use real-time strategies to spread ideas, influence minds, and build business.
Last week, I delivered the closing keynote at the Business Marketing Association 2014 annual conference, the largest business-to-business marketing conference in the world.
Just in time for Fathers Day (or a very early start on Mothers Day 2015), I’m offering a special limited-quantity boxed special edition of Marketing the Moon signed by Gene Cernan, the last man to walk on the moon who wrote the foreword to the book as well as signed by my co...
When discussing the world of web content and social media, many people like to say how everything is new and different and untested: Smartphone apps! Infographics! Content marketing!
In 2002 I left a nice, safe corporate career to find my art, to discover my true self, and to live life as a freak.
Several weeks ago I announced my newest book Marketing the Moon which I wrote with Rich Jurek. The book tells the story of the most successful marketing and public relations campaign in history, featuring heroic astronauts, press-savvy rocket scientists, enthusiastic reporte...
Geek alert(!!)