Marketing Speaker

The Latest from
David Meerman Scott

I write about strategies to turn fans into customers and customers into fans. I also share ways to use real-time strategies to spread ideas, influence minds, and build business.


Yesterday afternoon, the political world was waiting with anticipation to learn who presumptive Democratic candidate Joe Biden would select as his running mate. At the time, political watchers knew that the news was coming soon possibly even in the next few hours. Biden did ...

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Presidential candidates have their talking points memorized at this point. Whether its on TV, in advertisement copy, or through fundraising emails, the candidates have clear (and scripted) messages to deliver to the public. But have you ever wondered what the candidates are ...

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On August 15, I attended a Donald Trump MAGA rally in Manchester, New Hampshire. I witnessed massive Trump fandom in action and I wrote about the marketing aspects of the event. Several weeks later, in the exact same venue, I attended the New Hampshire State Democratic Conve...

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I’m just back from the HubSpot #Inbound19 conference. This year 25,000 people convened in Boston to learn about inbound marketing, sales, and customer support. A Google search returns more than 50 million hits for the term “inbound marketing” coined by HubSpot, but not trade...

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Last night I was one of 11,500 people packed into an arena in Manchester, New Hampshire witnessing the Donald Trump show. And what a show it was! Long-time readers know I don’t comment on politics, instead I analyze marketing strategy because the U.S. Presidential election i...

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Today and tomorrow are the second round of Democratic Presidential debates in the 2020 cycle. Over the past few months, I've traveled to candidate town halls to ask each candidate a simple question: “Outside of your work and your family, what are you a fan of, what are you p...

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NASA is a rare government agency with a massive fan base! After a recent presentation at NASA headquarters in Washington, DC, I had the honor of discussing the amazing NASA fanocracy with NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine. We discussed the Apollo lunar program, robotic miss...

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Most email newsletters are terribly boring, especially those from B2B technology companies. And political candidates. And nonprofits. Well, most organizations send boring email newsletters. One way to stand out from the swamp of sameness is to use humor.

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