I write about strategies to turn fans into customers and customers into fans. I also share ways to use real-time strategies to spread ideas, influence minds, and build business.
Applying creativity helps builds a unique and sustainable business, one whose products and services people will be eager to buy. Being creative is also a great way to reimagine the world in a way that you can create content about, deliver talks on, or build a consulting prac...
TextExpander is a software plugin that I use every day when I write. The app takes strings of text that I use often and generates them using shortcuts, so I don’t have to type them each time. These “snippets” in TextExpander lingo save me time and allows me to focus on the i...
The language of war is used in business and the media so frequently that people don’t even question the appropriateness. Let's work together to eliminate these old tropes from the way we communicate.
I'm frequently asked for advice about writing a business book. Some people want to understand if writing a book might be right for them. Others are beginning the process and would like to know how to get published. Here, in one place, are some practical ideas based on my exp...
James Patterson, one of the most successful authors ever, has always been clever with the way he markets his works. And that makes sense because early in his career he worked in advertising. For his new thriller The Chef Patterson cast actor Cory Tucker in the lead role of D...
In my work, I frequently have an opportunity to read biographies on company websites, in LinkedIn and other social profiles, and on professional services firm 'About' pages. Most are written in the detached third person. However, the ones that come alive are almost always wr...
When I speak or write about successful marketing, I frequently use the word “stories” when I describe the content that people are eager to consume. With content creation, it’s important to think of stories rather than simple product pitches. People love to share stories! Pro...
When I first entered the workforce upon graduation from university, my Wall Street job meant that I wear a suit and tie with polished shoes every day. But gradually, over the several decades since, dress codes for men and women began to relax, first with casual Friday and la...