I write about strategies to turn fans into customers and customers into fans. I also share ways to use real-time strategies to spread ideas, influence minds, and build business.
In 2025, we have a choice of how we create. Will you pay attention to what matters, draw from passion and personality, adding dash of artistic flair to create something beautiful? Or will you dash off an AI prompt, push a button, and barf up something just okay?
I’m a fan of repurposing content - write once and publish in multiple places. You might be reading this on my blog or on my LinkedIn Newsletter or perhaps you clicked a link to get here from X. Creating once and publishing in several ways is quite easy.
Much of the buzz about ChatGPT and other LLM AI chatbots has been their use to query large sets of data found on the public web. Far more interesting to me, and where billions are being invested by venture capitalists right now, is how AI works with proprietary content.
Artificial Intelligence tools like ChatGPT makes content creation super easy. However, garbage web content has quickly become a huge and growing problem. Let’s call it what it is: AI Pollution.
Marketers are ineffective when they use the classic "customer testimonial" format and pop that onto their blog or make it into a video. "Here’s our product. It is great. Here are customers who say it is great. Now buy some of our product."
Publishing a book is the ultimate way to build authority and credibility in the marketplace. Your book can generate passionate fans of your work, lead to more business at higher fees, make raising VC funding easier, put you on the fast track for promotion, or launch a public...
The world wants to know who you are! And we’d like to learn about you in your own words.
With more and more content generated by AI, a new peril has people who study these things buzzing, so-called “model collapse”.