I write about strategies to turn fans into customers and customers into fans. I also share ways to use real-time strategies to spread ideas, influence minds, and build business.
The Facebook Artificial Intelligence powered algorithm is designed to suck users into the content that interests them the most. The technology is tuned to serve up more and more of what you click on, be that yoga, camping, Manchester United, or K-pop. That sounds great, righ...
Social networks, like those developed by Facebook and Google, have tremendous power to allow people around the world to connect and share. I’ve been talking about this for way more than a decade, at times acting as an enthusiastic cheerleader for the positive effects on busi...
Many organizations are helping their customers and the communities they serve during the pandemic. For example, I’ve seen local restaurants serving hungry people and local companies donating masks to those who need them in their work. My favorite example is Duracell, the bat...
If your marketing includes advertising on search engines using platforms like Google AdWords, advertising on social networks like Facebook, or is powered by a marketing platform like HubSpot, you’re likely to already be using using Artificial Intelligence in your marketing.
If an online product is free, then you are what’s for sale.
Since the Facebook issues involving Cambridge Analytica and Russian Operatives have come to light, Facebook has been hard at work trying to earn back trust. The past few weeks have been busy for the company. Mark Zuckerberg testified in front of Congress, notices were sent t...
Several years ago, I delivered a presentation in Tallinn, Estonia and I distinctly remember how plugged in the society was at the time. I enjoyed lighting fast free WiFi that was way better than what I had in Boston and the business leaders I met with were focused on digital...
Last week I wrote about my personal relationship with Facebook over the past decade. In my post I concluded I no longer trust the company. Many people jumped in who agree. Some wanted to know what we can do about it. Is there an alternative?