Marketing Speaker

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David Meerman Scott

I write about strategies to turn fans into customers and customers into fans. I also share ways to use real-time strategies to spread ideas, influence minds, and build business.


The “metaverse” is a catch-all term that technology companies and the media are using to generate hype about the future. Remember how the word “cyberspace” was used several decades ago to describe the early Web, mainly by people who didn’t understand the early Web? That’s th...

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Update October 28, 2022: The deal closed yesterday and Musk owns Twitter. This blog post is even ore important now.

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With the detailed revelations emerging about how the Facebook AI algorithm works, we all need to decide how much we want to rely on Facebook in our marketing.

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Yesterday Facebook suffered a massive outage across platforms including the Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp applications. Into the void came a bunch of people and organizations newsjacking the story.

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I’m fascinated by the fine line between what I call a Fanocracy and a cult. A Fanocracy is when people are attracted to a tribe of like-minded people, be it a team they support, a sport they enjoy playing, a rock band or author they love, or a company that treats them right.

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The new book An Ugly Truth: Inside Facebook's Battle for Domination, released yesterday, is a fascinating account of what led Facebook to be so destructive, including the power of the stock market and the single-minded personalities at the top - The Zuckster and Sheryl.

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Less than five minutes into a demo by CEO Kate Chernis Bradley of the Lately artificial intelligence platform for creating social media posts, I knew I wanted to use it in my work. And by the end of our short Zoom call, I knew I also wanted to invest in the company and serve...

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The Facebook engineering department just released an interesting post titled How machine learning powers Facebook’s News Feed ranking algorithm. The post provides new details about what I called one of the most destructive technologies ever invented in my blog post last week...

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