Marketing Speaker

The Latest from
David Meerman Scott

I write about strategies to turn fans into customers and customers into fans. I also share ways to use real-time strategies to spread ideas, influence minds, and build business.


The biggest mistake I see with marketing (and I see it all the time) is when companies focus their communications way too much on their own products and services. It’s much better to start from an understanding of your buyers and their problems. Long-time readers of this blo...

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Artificial Intelligence in marketing has the power to help automate routine tasks by applying math to massive amounts of data. Deploying AI tools have become important for marketers to not only save time and money but to increase the success of marketing initiatives. However...

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If your marketing includes advertising on search engines using platforms like Google AdWords, advertising on social networks like Facebook, or is powered by a marketing platform like HubSpot, you’re likely to already be using using Artificial Intelligence in your marketing.

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How do small local shops compete with large chain stores and online sellers? They build fans by creating a personal connection with the local community. That’s exactly what Hafod Hardware in Rhayader, Powys, Wales has done with their holiday video produced for just £100. In ...

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I sat down with my daughter Reiko for a short video discussion about diversity in marketing. Reiko is a half-Japanese Millennial and my co-author of our new book Fanocracy: How to Turn Fans into Customers and Customers into Fans which will release January 7, 2020 from the Po...

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If I may be so bold as to boil down into a single word the thousands of conversations I’ve had about marketing over the past several decades, as well as my more than a dozen years’ worth of blogging and the contents of my books, it would be this: attention. Entrepreneurs, CE...

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Over the past decade, clickbait headlines have proliferated on all sorts of Web content. They have shown up on blogs with increasing frequency “The 5 social media marketing secrets to drive your business now” and they appear on sponsored content on media sites all the time “...

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If an online product is free, then you are what’s for sale.

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