Marketing Speaker

The Latest from
David Meerman Scott

I write about strategies to turn fans into customers and customers into fans. I also share ways to use real-time strategies to spread ideas, influence minds, and build business.


Last week, I was in Tokyo for the HubSpot Japan office opening events. The week culminated with “Grow with HubSpot” where hundreds of marketers from Japan gathered to learn about Inbound Marketing and HubSpot. It was great to be back in Japan where I lived for six years earl...

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As a young marketer, I was always taught: “Write about the benefits of your product, not the features.” This dusty old marketing approach is wrong.

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For the New Year, I’m starting a series of blog posts I’m calling Back to the Basics. The first in the series is this post on the importance of buyer personas in any sales and marketing strategy.

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Understanding buyers is essential to great marketing. When you are properly aligned, you have confidence in your marketing strategies and your tactics are more effective. A customer journey map details a representative customer’s experience and includes company interactions ...

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Most marketers make stuff up. They sit in nice comfortable offices and imagine what interests buyers and then create “copy” and “campaigns” typically with the help of equally clueless agencies. But as I’ve said hundreds of times on this blog and in my books and live presenta...

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Most business-to-business marketing is dreadfully boring. Why is that? I think marketers get hung up on that “business” word and forget that they should be communicating to people. But it doesn’t have to be that way!

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This week marks the official publication of the new book Buyer Personas: How to Gain Insight into your Customer's Expectations, Align your Marketing Strategies, and Win More Business by Adele Revella. It’s a book I’ve been waiting for because I’ve been talking about buyer pe...

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Today when people want to buy something, the web is almost always the first stop on their shopping trip. In any market category, potential customers head online to conduct research. The moment of truth is when they reach your site: Will you draw them into your sales process ...

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