Marketing Speaker

The Latest from
David Meerman Scott

I write about strategies to turn fans into customers and customers into fans. I also share ways to use real-time strategies to spread ideas, influence minds, and build business.


More than 11,000 fans gathered in Boston for the annual HubSpot INBOUND conference in early September with another 100,000 participating virtually. I love that my friends at HubSpot have created a true Fanocracy, a community of like-minded people who are eager to travel from...

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With the popularity of social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and TikTok as well as the rapid rise of chatbots accessing Generative AI Models, the once humble blog has rising in importance (once again) as a marketing strategy.

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With more and more content generated by AI, a new peril has people who study these things buzzing, so-called “model collapse”.

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Yesterday evening, Donald Trump got ahead of the news cycle by releasing his own mug shot in real time. He shared it to his email subscriber list and reactivated his X (the social network formerly known as Twitter) account after two years to share there as well.

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AI-powered search is radically changing the way people use information on the Web, fundamentally disrupting how brands get found and rendering many Search Engine Marketing strategies obsolete. A list of blue links doesn’t apply with chatbot queries, so to get found you need ...

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The question facing any innovative company forging a brand-new path where regulation doesn’t yet exist is: Are we doing the right thing? Companies with huge artificial Intelligence development efforts including Google/Alphabet, OpenAI, Facebook/Meta, Apple, and Microsoft req...

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As you create web content for marketing purposes, a great strategy is to think like your buyer personas and generate written content, videos, images, and audio especially for them. As you do so, keep in mind that a variety of people with a wide range of abilities use the Web...

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In an America beset by polarization, culture war bickering, and politicians wired to “fight” rather than solve problems, this is a mid-summer love story about a program created with true bipartisan support.

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