I write about strategies to turn fans into customers and customers into fans. I also share ways to use real-time strategies to spread ideas, influence minds, and build business.
During my visit to The U.S. Department of Defense on Friday, I was lucky to spend some time with Brian Natwick, General Manager of The Pentagon Channel. I visited Brian the studio of this 24-hour television service available to stateside cable and satellite providers, via Am...
When I visited General Motors world headquarters on Monday, a highlight was meeting Bob Lutz, GM vice chairman and the top marketing and communications executive in the company.
My friend Jim Stewart just posted on the idea of a Social Media Administrator. Jim’s idea is that there is a need for this new role, much like in the late 1980s we developed the need for a System Administrator (Information Technology department people responsible for compute...
I’ve been a fan of Adrian Neylan’s "cab blog" for the past four years and I even included it as an example in my book The New Rules of Marketing & PR. Adrian works the late shift, driving a cab in Sydney, Australia from 5:00 PM to 3:00 AM. After most shifts, Adrian write...
I'm amazed when someone writes a terrific blog or has a great Twitter feed (or a presence on some other social networking site) but fails to say who they are. Don't they want to stand out from the crowd?
It's always interesting to see when superstars emerge out of existing brands. And it is fascinating to watch when they choose to leave for something new.