Marketing Speaker

The Latest from
David Meerman Scott

I write about strategies to turn fans into customers and customers into fans. I also share ways to use real-time strategies to spread ideas, influence minds, and build business.


I’m a fan of repurposing content - write once and publish in multiple places. You might be reading this on my blog or on my LinkedIn Newsletter or perhaps you clicked a link to get here from X. Creating once and publishing in several ways is quite easy.

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When I was on my thru hike of the Long Trail in September, I hiked an average of 8 hours a day for 26 days. There was no possible way to carry enough calories, so when I had an opportunity to eat in a restaurant, I went. And I ate a lot!

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At a town hall event four years ago, I had an opportunity to ask US presidential candidate Kamala Harris the question, "What are you a fan of?" The answer she gave from the stage, “I love music… I am especially fond of Bob Marley,” was surprising in its honesty.

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For the first time since graduating from university, I took a month off. For my sabbatical during the month of September, I thru-hiked (and climbed) the entire 273-mile Long Trail in Vermont, the oldest long distance hiking trail in the US and widely considered the most diff...

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When a customer begins the buying journey for a complex sale, they usually want to learn about their sales representative. This is true for both big-ticket consumer purchases as well as B2B products and services.

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Applications to syndicate video and audio feeds to multiple social networking destinations have exploded in recent years. Apps such as Restream and StreamYard allow video creators to simultaneously go live to multiple streaming services, including YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn...

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In the world of marketing, there is often a perceived divide between business-to-business (B2B) marketing and marketing to consumers. Many marketers believe that the strategies and tactics used in B2B marketing are vastly different from those used in consumer marketing.

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It’s the new, new! The 9th edition of my international bestseller The New Rules of Marketing & PR is available today in print and ebook editions the USA and Canada and will soon be available in other countries! First published in 2007, in the same month as the iPhone 1 w...

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