I write about strategies to turn fans into customers and customers into fans. I also share ways to use real-time strategies to spread ideas, influence minds, and build business.
While sheltering in place at my home near Boston, I wanted to share a few thoughts about the COVID-19 situation. Bottom line: We’re all in this together. Let’s be safe and let’s support each other!
The keynote speaker at your event just delivered a fabulous talk. Attendees offer sustained applause and perhaps a standing ovation. As an event planner, you’re thrilled! But now what? Should the keynote speaker have a Q&A session? Or not?
Gosh, most webinars are dreadfully boring! The presenter drones on and on and we curse the moment we chose to tune in. Maybe we stay on because of the promise of some good information to come, but it is frustrating. It doesn’t have to be that bad! We can make webinars better...
When I first entered the workforce upon graduation from university, my Wall Street job meant that I wear a suit and tie with polished shoes every day. But gradually, over the several decades since, dress codes for men and women began to relax, first with casual Friday and la...
Last week I posted about the value of free content vs putting a gate that requires an email address and other personal information to get the content. Many people commented about my strategy of totally free content on my post Really, Truly, Actually Free Content and on socia...
Newsjacking – the art and science of injecting your ideas into a breaking news story to generate tons of media coverage, get sales leads, and grow business – is all about providing value. The content you create via a blog post, video, or tweet with a hashtag must have a dire...
Twelve years ago Matt Risinger started a custom home building firm specializing in architect driven and fine craftsmanship work. Soon after, he also started a YouTube channel about building science, craftsmanship, and best practices for building and remodeling. Matt now has ...
At the Public Affairs Council Executive Meeting where I delivered a keynote speech titled “Why the Best Marketers Win Elections” I had a chance to interview Nuala O’Connor, @privacymama, President & CEO of the Center for Democracy & Technology, a global nonprofit com...