As the 2006 political season moves into the home stretch, my friend Colin Delany editor in chief at has released a terrific new free e-book Online Politics 101: The Tools and Tactics of Online Advocacy to help campaigns useful ideas on how to spread the word on the Web. Colin totally gets the online political world and helped me to understand it enough to include some case studies in my upcoming book The New Rules of Marketing and PR. Colin's ebook shows how to use the Internet to promote candidates, shape public opinion, motivate supporters and raise money. Read the press release here.
For years I've been saying that we all learn from each other on the Web. Although this ebook is about online politics, marketers at non-profits, corporations, churches, and even rock bands can learn from what Colin has to say. I've found that the best ideas for Web marketing are always found in another industry, not your own. You won't succeed by copying your competitor's online efforts, but you will find something useful from a completely different industry. So check out this ebook and its ideas even if you don't run a political campaign or advocacy group.
Online Politics 101: The Tools and Tactics of Online Advocacy, looks comprehensively at the online organizing methods that work today -- including cutting-edge applications such as MySpace, viral marketing, text messaging and video distribution channels such as YouTube.