People Pay To See Others Believe In Themselves

I write about strategies to turn fans into customers and customers into fans. I also share ways to use real-time strategies to spread ideas, influence minds, and build business.

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WikiKimGordonI love this quote from Kim Gordon, founding member of the band Sonic Youth: “People pay to see others believe in themselves”. Gordon, as one of the early women of rock and roll, is a role model for a generation of women.

I often think of this quote as I prepare to deliver a talk. I’ve found over several decades of public speaking that focusing on a confident delivery of my material makes up for any mistakes I make and even converts people who are initially skeptical about my ideas.

01A1038 croppedI thought about the quote again last week as I presented in Seoul for the Future Dialogue for Global Innovation event “Popular Culture Shaping Global Values” sponsored by the Korea Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

I shared some thoughts about Korean popular culture including K-pop music, which was new content for me.

I’m usually nervous with new material but focusing on a confident delivery helps me a great deal. 

Girl in a BandThe same is true of all of us, isn’t it? 

  • If you believe in yourself in a job interview, you’re more likely to impress the interviewer.
  • If you’re pitching investors, confidence in your product and team works wonders.
  • Salespeople make a living on the idea of believing in themselves.
  • And then there is the dating market…

The quote comes from Gordon’s book Girl in a Band, a chronicle of a remarkable journey and an extraordinary artist.

Image: Reportersteven CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons

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