I write about strategies to turn fans into customers and customers into fans. I also share ways to use real-time strategies to spread ideas, influence minds, and build business.
If you or others in your organization are struggling with the business value (and ROI) of implementing social media in your enterprise, you must watch this amazing panel discussion I participated in several weeks ago at the SAS Premiere Business Leadership Series Event.
Besides me, this terrific panel included:
Martin Giles, U.S. Technology Correspondent, The Economist who served as moderator. Martin is the best moderator I have ever worked with!
Chris Brogan, President of New Marketing Labs, popular blogger and co-author of Trust Agents and author of Social Media 101.
Charlene Li, founder of Altimeter Group and co-author of two books: Groundswell and Open Leadership.
Grab a coffee and check it out. Then pass it on the skeptics in your company.
On the panel, we looked into strategies, trends, issues and opportunities that executives are facing when considering the implementation of social media communication and analysis. In particular, Martin steered us to cite value and adoption of social media in both B2C and B2B with examples of companies engaged with these strategies.
Real-Time engagement
At one point during the discussions, Martin asked me for the name of a company doing a good job with B2B social media. I mentioned Boeing. And then a few people in the live and virtual audience tweeted what I said. Moments later, @BoeingCorporate tweeted@dmscott thanks for citing us during #pbls10. Here's the air show effort DMS mentioned. http://bit.ly/dkQEqC
The real-time tweet by Boeing generated quite the buzz at the conference because it clearly showed that the company is paying attention to social media.