Our ongoing communications revolution has profoundly affected how salespeople achieve success.
Buyers are now in charge!
Referencing blogs, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook and other Web-based tools, buyers often bypass the traditional selling model altogether – learning for themselves about your products and services, your competitors, and what customers say about you (whether true or not!).
Don’t struggle to adjust to this new environment — be agile and master it. You win hearts and minds by creating low-cost (and no-cost!) measurable strategies and tactics that help buyers you don’t yet know discover you!
The best salespeople have become information brokers — communicating by delivering the precise information that buyers need at just the right time and in just the right way.
Successful salespeople educate and inform
You have the power to elevate yourself on the web to a position of importance. In the e-marketplace of ideas, successful salespeople educate and inform. They highlight their expertise by sharing videos, content-rich websites, social streams, blogs, e-books, and images rather than using the old sales playbook of information hoarding and letting it drip it out. Now you’ve got to be on the buyers’ timetable. Not yours.
We also have the ability to interact and participate in conversations that other people begin on social media sites including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, forums, and review sites.
The key is to focus on the buyer’s needs, not your own ego
Stop hyping your products and services. Don't rely on interruption techniques. You'll regret taking advantage of people’s time and attention with unwanted communications.
Instead you need to deliver the right information to buyers, right at the point when they are most receptive.