US Air Force Web Posting Response Assessment

I write about strategies to turn fans into customers and customers into fans. I also share ways to use real-time strategies to spread ideas, influence minds, and build business.

Social Media  |  Public Relations  |  Corporate blogging

Several weeks ago in a blog post called The US Air Force: Armed with social media, I wrote about my interview with Capt. David Faggard, Chief of Emerging Technology at the Air Force Public Affairs Agency in the Pentagon. I spoke with Capt. Faggard about what he and his team are doing to get the word out about the Air Force online.

I wrote about the detailed Air Force blog assessment flowchart that Capt. Faggard shared with me. It provides, in simple to understand, but in a detailed and specific way, how to react to blog posts.

As a result of some of the comments left here as well as on the blogs of Joey DeVilla, Jeremiah Owyang, Steve Field, Matt McGee, and others, Capt. Faggard has revised the US Air Force Web Posting Response Assessment. The new version is below.


Click the assessment for a larger size image.

During my interview, I was intrigued by the term "counter-blogging" which Capt. Faggard says is when: "Airmen counter the people out there in the blogosphere who have negative opinions about the US government and the air force." The assessment is a tool that is used to help in this area.

"We obviously have many more concerns regarding cyberspace than a typical Social Media user," Capt. Faggard says. "I am concerned with how insurgents or potential enemies can use Social Media to their advantage. It's our role to provide a clear and accurate, completely truthful and transparent picture for any audience."

Everyone should take a look at the assessment tool and consider applying something similar in your own organization.