Debbie Weil's Corporate Blogging Book

I write about strategies to turn fans into customers and customers into fans. I also share ways to use real-time strategies to spread ideas, influence minds, and build business.

Corporate blogging

In The Corporate Book: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know to Get It Right, Debbie Weil has produced the perfect how-to. I consider myself an advanced blogger (two years of dedicated blogging) yet I still learned a great deal from the book. I had the pleasure of co-presenting with Debbie at the International Newsletter & Specialized-Information Conference where we did a tag-team presentation called "Using Content to Sell Content: How blogs, RSS feeds, Podcasts, & Wikis can generate PR, traffic, and sales." Debbie is a great blogger and it was fun to present with her. So I was eagerly awaiting her book.


Although the book is valuable for anyone who is interested in blogging, I see two particularly important audiences:

The first is someone within a larger organization who wants to get going with blogging but just needs to know more (and needs a little kick in the butt). This book is for you. Now you don’t have any excuses. Debbie lays out everything you need to know. Her insights are particularly valuable for those people in larger organizations.

The second audiences are the executives in your organization or your boss who "just doesn’t get it." Buy a copy of The Corporate Blogging Book for them. Debbie speaks to the senior audience and will help show them why you need to blog.