New Rules of Marketing and PR | Books
I'm psyched to announce the latest edition of The New Rules of Marketing & PR!
I've been blogging since well before I started writing the very first edition way back in 2006, so in a way, we’ve shared this journey together on this blog.
At the time I was writing the first edition Twitter did not even exist and Facebook was only for students! Seems like the dark ages.
Thank you for your support. Thank you for providing me with ideas and examples. And thank you for steering me back on track when I sometimes go down a rathole.
The newly revised and updated third edition has started shipping in paperback from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other online booksellers today and is available now in Kindle, Nook, and Apple iBook formats.
The third edition of The New Rules of Marketing & PR will be "officially" published in early September (meaning that physical bookstores in North America have it in stock). It will appear later in September in bookstores around the world.
Some are now calling The New Rules of Marketing & PR a modern business classic. I'm not sure about that, but I can say that previous editions spent six months on the BusinessWeek bestseller list and there are more than a quarter million copies in print in over 25 languages from Arabic to Vietnamese. In addition, many hundreds of universities now use the book as required text in marketing, communications, PR, and business programs.
Many things have changed since the first edition was published way back in 2007. The biggest difference is that these ideas are now mainstream. People no longer question the importance of marketing online. The credit for that goes to you—for implementing the ideas, pushing your organizations to implement, and sharing your success. Wow – we have come a long way together!
What's new in the third edition?
New examples and stories
In the past few years I’ve met thousands of people around the world who have shared their stories with me, so I have drawn from those experiences and included many new examples of success, and I’m convinced they are even more valuable.
How-to information on measuring success
The most common questions I’ve been asked since the release of the second edition are ‘How do I measure success?’ and ‘How do I get started?’ To respond, I included new sections dedicated to marketing and PR strategic planning and implementation and tools for measuring these efforts.
A new chapter on mobile marketing
The explosion of mobile marketing is being driven by GPS-enabled mobile applications for iPhone, Android, and other devices. Since the second edition was published, the importance of location-based marketing has gown significantly so I needed a new chapter. When the second edition came out a little less than two years ago, Foursquare and other GPS-enabled mobile sharing apps were just coming on line and I did not talk about them. Now they are mainstream so I am including a lot in the mobile chapter about how to market with these tools.
New chapter on real-time marketing & PR
The idea of communicating instantly is essential, so a chapter on real-time was added. Readers of this blog know that I've been talking about the importance of real-time for several years now. I made it a point to make the case examples for this new chapter all new - none were re-purposed from my 2010 book Real-Time Marketing & PR.
What did not change
One thing that doesn’t change in any of the editions is the concept that the Web is an essential way to market. The idea that you no longer have to rely exclusively on buying advertising and begging mainstream media to cover you is liberating! Creating great content (a YouTube video, blog post, ebook, photo, infographic, and the like) truly brands an organization as one that’s worthy of doing business with.
Thanks again for all of your help and support. It has been such a fun journey. And we have much farther to go together in the coming years.