One of my favorite Tony Robbins quotes is: “Life doesn’t happen to you, it happens for you.” This idea is powerful both in our personal lives and our professional lives. Instead of waiting for things to happen to you, instead of worrying about the competition, instead of complaining about the economy, we all have the power to make choices and take control of our lives.
“Some people believe that life is happening to them, and because of this, they get weighed down when something bad happens,” Tony says. “Other people believe that life is happening for them, and that each incident — good or bad — is shaping them into the person they’re meant to become. Which one would you rather be? If it’s the latter, it’s time to change your mindset.”
A new beginning
As we embark on 2019, we have the opportunity for a new beginning both in business and in our personal life.
What I’m personally focused on this year is passion. While not a new beginning for me, I do want to make more time for the things I am passionate about, like spending time enjoying my friends and family, helping people by teaching ways to reach buyers in our cluttered digital world, enjoying live music, and keeping fit and healthy. Oh, and some surfing too!
If you are looking for a new beginning for your business, consider attending Tony Robbins Business Mastery. The next 5-day program begins on January 26 in Palm Beach, Florida and there are still a few places available. At Tony Robbins Business Mastery I'm the lead marketing speaker and my topic is New Marketing Mastery, so if you come please say hello to me. I’ll be there all five days.
Here’s to a fantastic 2019!
Photo by the super talented Milla Kuhto.