Create passionate fans of your business!

Top marketing speaker David Meerman Scott inspires transformation in people and their businesses around the world.

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Learn from David



Energize your audience and inspire action with practical and actionable strategies.

Today, you can find an in-person keynote speaker or virtual keynote speaker just about anywhere. With so many options, how can you make sure you’re working with the right one? My decades of delivering marketing and business growth presentations in over 40 countries have taught me that your audience wants practical advice to implement right away to grow their business. And they want to be entertained too! I customize my virtual or in-person keynotes and masterclasses for each audience. My goal is to make your event amazing. The core of every event I speak at is motivating your audience to take action and succeed.


Learn about David's Virtual Keynotes   



You don’t have time to waste. You want groundbreaking ideas you can implement right away.

Since 2005, I’ve been pioneering marketing and business growth strategies used worldwide. With 12 books published in 30 languages, people have been applying my teachings to help grow businesses both large and small. The newest, the WSJ bestseller "Fanocracy", I wrote with my daughter Reiko. We show you how fandom can be rocket fuel for your business or nonprofit. My international bestseller "The New Rules of Marketing & PR", now in a 9th edition(!!), is used by thousands of companies and taught in hundreds of universities around the world. Discover how my books can help your business grow today.


David's Books   



Leadership teams at emerging companies can thrive with practical advice and mentorship.

You don’t need academic theories or vague prescriptions. You need strategic insight from a partner that has proven success in working with emerging companies and jumpstarting growth. I don’t study what others are doing. I do it myself. I’ve spent years in the trenches developing marketing and business growth strategies across the globe and shaping trends like inbound marketing, real-time marketing, newsjacking, and Artificial Intelligence tools. From serving on the advisory board of companies like HubSpot to working as a go-to-market LP at a VC firm, I’ve advised some of the most promising new businesses in the world.


Work with David   

Marketing Educator


Creativity matters. A new way of thinking about technology like AI could be your key to future success.

Instead of worrying about the future, I show people how to position for success through in-person and virtual learning programs. I help you to re-imagine ways to reach your audiences because building fans right now just might spark your future growth. Learn to take advantage of Artificial Intelligence Marketing tools and strategies. Set your organization up to exceed your goals by implementing low cost (and no cost) tactics that are proven to grow business.


David's Courses   

Just A Few Events David Has Spoken At

image (4)-1
Ensemble Event
Cycling Sports Group

“...‘Top 10’ in Presenter Effectiveness...”

“David knocked our partners’ socks off at the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference. Out of 231 sessions presented this year at WPC, David again makes it into the coveted ‘Top 10’ in Presenter Effectiveness."

Megan Casey,  Leadership Track Manager at Microsoft

Megan Casey, Leadership Track Manager at Microsoft

“...the most practical and powerful marketing presentation I’ve seen...”

“David, you delivered the most practical and powerful marketing presentation I’ve seen. Outstanding! Thank you!”

Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins


"David was the keynote speaker at our HPE Storage Marketing All-Hands team meeting and he KNOCKED IT OUT OF THE PARK! For an established business that deals with B2B relationships, he challenged the teams thinking of how our customers interact with us in a world of social media and ubiquitous information availability. I can’t wait to see how our team rises to the challenge of the Real-Time Marketing mindset.”

Patrick Osborne,  Director of Product Management and Marketing  at Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Patrick Osborne, Director of Product Management and Marketing at Hewlett Packard Enterprise

What's Next: Fanocracy!

Turning Fans into Customers and Customers into Fans

There’s a seismic shift afoot in the 2020s: Overwhelmed by nonstop superficial online communication, I've learned people are hungry for something more: true human connection.

Fandom is not just for celebrities anymore! Smart companies know passionate fans are rocket fuel to grow business. I will show you how.

Watch the Video



Wall Street Journal Best-Selling Author


Businessweek Best-Selling Author

USA Today

USA Today Best-Selling Author

Oxford Dictionaries

Newsjacking selected for inclusion into the Oxford English Dictionary


"One of those select few people who saw and understood the social media phenomenon as it began." Forbes


"Lessons that should resonate." Entrepreneur


"Gets it Right." The New York Times Magazine

MSNBC logo black 2

"A fresh take." MSNBC


Check out my latest Book!

Fanocracy: Turning Fans into Customers and Customers into Fans

Fanocracy means turning fans into customers and customers into fans. Fanocracy means an organization that puts the needs and wishes of fans ahead of every other priority. Applying the strategies in Fanocracy will make your company more likely to dominate your category and win business. And beyond the financial benefits, a Fanocracy spreads more joy and inspiration to the world at large. Does that sound like something you want to be a part of?


Learn More   

Executive-Level Expertise

I have decades of real-world experience building businesses, running marketing and sales teams, and advising highly successful companies.

Global Business Perspective

My true global mindset was born from ten years working in countries outside of the U.S. and as an international speaker in over 40 countries and on all seven continents.

Proven Visionary

People rely on my sales and marketing strategies and tactics to grow their businesses. My eleven books have sold close to a million copies in 30 languages from Albanian to Vietnamese.

Learn More About David's Work

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