Last week, I presented a nearly two hour session at Tony Robbins Business Mastery, a five-day event focused on entrepreneurs and business leaders who are passionate about serving clients at the highest level. Business Mastery is like no other event I’ve participated in and shows what the future holds for meetings and events in a post Covid world.
The technology deployed by Tony and his team optimizes the experience for both audiences. The more than 500 people in-person are right there in the thick of the action. And for the 2,000 plus people participating at home or in their offices, Business Mastery Virtual is unlike any other virtual event.
The key is making both the in-person and the virtual experience interactive by using the best technology for both audiences.
Business Mastery virtual is not simply a broadcast of what’s happening on stage and it’s not a bunch of talks stuffed into a Zoom room that you play while multi-tasking. It’s a live, fully immersive, interactive, and action-packed event.
For speakers like me, the ability to see an interact directly with both a virtual audience, seeing them on a huge screen, talking directly to them by name, and participating in live chat while at the same time presenting to an in-person audience makes all the difference.
I did a few quick Q&As with people in the virtual audience that were shown on the big screen for those in the room. And I went out to interact with the audience which was shown to those at home.
When I asked for a show of hands in answer to a question I posed to everyone, I could see the responses of both audiences instantly.
I sure hope that event planners who put on large-scale conferences begin to adopt this approach.
Business Mastery is for entrepreneurs who want to start a new business or transform their existing enterprises. It’s for established executives and managers who need to refocus and realign their psychology. It’s for successful business owners who are ready to create their exit strategy.
I’ve been speaking several times a year at Business Mastery for nine years now and being on this stage are highlights of my year. Thank you, Tony and team, for what you do.
My selfie at Business Mastery January 12, 2023. Other photos from Business Mastery August 17-21, 2022