World class, cutting-edge hospital gobbledygook

I write about strategies to turn fans into customers and customers into fans. I also share ways to use real-time strategies to spread ideas, influence minds, and build business.

Would you want these guys to take care of you or a loved one?

"We have assembled surgical and clinical expertise second to none, have a state-of-the-art trauma center, developed sophisticated minimally invasive techniques, and called on innovative training and technology to ensure the highest level of patient safety and quality of care. These clinical initiatives, a thriving research enterprise and an unparalleled [Famous University]-affiliated medical education program all enable [Hospital Z] to fulfill our mission."

When I read this I don't imagine people working at this hospital have a great bedside manner. Sure it's "just website copy" but it is important.

When I deliver talks around the world, I try to include some gobbledygook from the industry or company whose people I am addressing.

Hospital mission statement
Earlier this year I spoke at the Forum for Healthcare Strategies and popped up this gem. While the slide was up, @chrisboyer snapped a pic and shared via Twitter.

The example contains the following world-class, cutting-edge, mission-critical gobbledygook:

-- second to none
-- state-of-the-art
-- innovative
-- unparalleled

Not to mention all the healthcare specific jargon contained in just two sentences.

I'm always fascinated by the words "innovate" and "innovative" which I determined from analyzing every press release sent in the English language over an entire year (there were 770,000 releases) to be the most overused gobbledygook term of all.

Let's eliminate the gobbledygook!

As Ann Handley and C.C. Chapman say in their book Content Rules, just "speak human."

The content you create is meant to build a relationship with buyers. The best content is developed through an understanding your target audience and using the words and phrases that they use. Focus on buyer problems, not your own ego or the jargon in your industry.